Monday, April 09, 2007

Hey all hope every things going swell :)

after lots of trial and error and the guidance of people I've met i figured out how to be successful on the internet! This is a fail proof method.

Follow these steps and you will be able to quit your job!

First Step:
Join this site: and message me when you've joined MyLot
this is a great site to learn from other members and get paid in the process. Not a big paying site but might as well get something for learning. Also is a means for gaining referrals for these next two programs.

Step Two-a:
Congrats your smarter then i thought! This next step is exciting! this site you get paid to read emails. Don't be alarmed when you see the payout on this sure its not alot but theres a method to my madness. Sign up for this site and bonus they give you $10 dollars just for signing up!
Click Here to finish step 2

Step Two-b:

This site is almost the same as step two-a except you get a better payout for your referrals.

Step Three:
You've made it to step three you are too smart you no longer need me anymore! This is the last site to sign up for your almost ready to make the big bucks! Click Here

Time For Money Step Four:
Ok you made it! good job now imagine if you signed up 250 referrals in one week? Wouldn't you say those pennies have potential? Well if I can do it you can do it I'm broke as a joke I didn't even had five dollars to invest so I started on mylot like i talked about in step one. Gained a few referrals for free made a few bucks. Now you take that five bucks run a ad on

this is a great site and cheap to get your links in front of people and you will get referrals in no time.